Pillar: TrAINING

ACtive Health

The first step in training is to assess how we move!  The resources below are broken down into:
1. Functional Movement
2. Mobility
3. Flexibility
For each element of active health full explanations (videos) and descriptions (pdf) are provided. 

Functional MoveMent

Keira Shumuk takes you through a full body Functional Movement Screen to assess your movement vulnerabilities or where you may be leaving performance gains on the table!  Print out the pdf to take notes on your experience. Video Click Here / PDF


What is mobility? Ann Green, Exercise Movement Specialist and Pathophysiologist, takes us through a detailed explanation in this video. Below are several resources to explore to learn about and improve your mobility.  

Introduction to your 8-joints (Video explanation)
The 8 -Joints Summary (PDF)
Mobility Practice of the 8-Joints (Video Practice)

Alternate Dynamic Mobility Video 
Foam Rolling Video to Support Mobility
World’s Greatest Stretch


What is flexibility? Ann Green, Exercise Movement Specialist and Pathophysiologist, takes us through a detailed explanation. There is also a glossary and multiple videos to assess your flexibility! 

What is flexibility and how we use it at THAA (PDF)
Stretching Essentials (PDF) - How to improve your flexibility
Full Body Stretching (Video) - Building on our awareness of how to use various techniques to improve range of motion
Glossary of Flexibility Techniques and Terms (PDF)


Pillar: Training 


To move in health for the long-term and to reach performance we have three primary components we need to understand as it applies to strength, intensity and duration: 

  1. Load
  2. Dynamic Movement
  3. Consistency

Going through ACT enables you to identify appropriate load while following your training plan. Your training plan ensures application of dynamic movements. Establishing consistency is based on you learning how to listen to your body, prioritize energy and use tough love when you need it! 


Which days you do intensity, strength or those long endurance workouts can be individualized by you! This means that you can move the workouts to fit your life, your recovery needs and your cycle (and all it’s variations) if you still have one! You also will learn to target specific paces or power within a specified range. Being intentional about our training comes in the everyday habit of knowing about where you are on that day, what you want to create as a possibility in that session and then going after it with curiosity and commitment.

We also know that not everyday will go according to plan. This is where we look to TRAPs (see mindset) and find the perfect imperfect option.

You are supported by the coaches to learn how to do this and how to make the most of both your training and your recovery. In general use these guidelines:

  1. If you miss a workout due to fatigue, let it go! Catching up on missed workouts rarely works because it creates an overload of training not originally intended. While this can be ok once and awhile you may compound fatigue and end up in a deeper hole than before!
  2. In general, do not stack 3 hard days in a row. The THAA Philosophy adheres, in general, to the 80% aerobic / 20% high intensity polarized approach. If you are doing quality work effectively, 2-3 cardiovascular intensity sessions per week creates sufficient stress to see performance gains! More is not better.
  3. Recovery is as important as the training. For many athletes this is the hardest part of training. Do not underestimate the value of recovery, sleep and nutrition.

Workout Plan Example:  This is an example of how at THAA we structure training to balance load and recovery through the week. This is typically individualized to you. 

Additional Resources:

What is the best time to exercise?  Sleep expert Annika Carrol speaks to the rise and fall of cortisol and how we might structure our day to take advantage of the ebbs and flows. (2:35 s Video)

How to train aligned with your menstrual cycle. (Video)  Where we are at with the science and understanding of training. You may also want to check out Dr. Stacy Sims Nail a PR at Every Phase of Your Menstrual Cycle.