Tuesday, May 20: Arrival Day, grocery shopping, and arrival dinner (for those arriving by 5 PM PST).
Wednesday, May 21
AM: Technical Pool Swim, Breakfast #2 at home base
PM: Bike from Elk Lake + Technical Lake Swim, Victoria 70.3 Bike Route Review by Car
Thursday, May 22
AM: Technical Pool Swim + Breakfast #2
PM: Technical Lake Swim & Run Form session. Transition review at Elk Lake
Friday, May 23
AM: Athlete check-in + technical lake swim.
Non-racers: Ride the stunningly beautiful and challenging terrain of the Tour de Victoria!
Saturday, May 24:
AM Race Prep Session at Elk Lake (all athletes, regardless of race participation). Afternoon OYO.
Sunday, May 25: Race Support Day and TOTAL Fun / Celebration!